The expedition is over but there are a few things left to explore. On today's final video update I list a lot of people and organisations for thank you's. A project like this really does take a lot of help. Funding from the Tasmanian Department of Education made this possible just when we thought we'd run out of adventurous luck late last year. And then it was action stations!
After you watch the video please take the time to let us know how the project went in your class:
And your class can keep up to date as the lastest Wedgie results come in over at NatureTrackers >>
I will be contacting teachers of students who won t-shirts during the week to organise postage or to drop off the goodies.
Also, if you have some excellent art, activities, photos or any multimedia from class activities email them to If we get enough we might be able to make a little e-booklet from the expedition.
The discussion boards will remain open and active for a few extra weeks for those classes catching up on reports. Hopefully catch you all next year for Swag Family... the most adventurous one yet. Sign up to recieve e-newsletters at the bottom of this page. Wedgie over and out!