We're getting close to departure for Janet, Kris and Julie. They are looking at the weather forecasts for NW Tasmania with a lot more interest now. Janet is due to arrive in Tasmania on Sunday and if the weather is okay the team will drive from Hobart to Stanley to catch a ride with the Tasmania Police boat to the island. But we'll have to see how it goes. Can you find Hobart, Stanley and Albatross Island on a map?
Janet is a Year 4 teacher from a Brisbane primary school and has been selected to join scientists Kris and Julie on a field trip to remote Albatross Island... to do real science. Follow Janet's experience here for the next week of fun.
UPDATE 4/12/2016: Janet has arrived in Hobart and her reports from will come in daily until the expedition finishes on or around the 12th December. The discussion boards are open for students to answer or ask questions anytime. If teachers have any troubles signing up or logging in please email me, ah@bookendtrust.com anytime. - Andrew