Chill….not in the air but a day of relaxing pre-adventure. The albatross and I set out to see the sights of beautiful Hobart. We jumped on board the MR-1 (Mona Roma) and went to see the Museum of Old and New Art. We met some mammals on the ferry.
We came across this statue. Who is he? He came from the Netherlands and in the 1600's was the first European to sail around Tasmania. He named it after his boss. What did he originally call Tasmania?
On the preparation side, Julie has vials ready for the Shy Albatross Scat Samples. What is a scat? How do you think we will collect them? You can get some hints from reading a news report from the local newspaper, the Mercury about Julie's work.
The forecast for Wednesday’s boat trip is 1.5m swells and 3 knot winds – should be just right for us! What is a knot? (not the rope kind!)
Keep thinking of names for our albatross.
By Janet