Are we there yet? Today was a day to pack, drive and then drive some more. All the food was laid out then carefully put into waterproof drums for the boat trip. It is amazing how much you can fit into one drum. What types of food do you think we are taking? I'll give you a tip, roast lamb and fresh mint sauce is not on the menu. We headed off from Hobart about 1pm.
Follow our journey on a Google map. Hobart, Kempton, Campbell Town, Perth, Longford, Elizabeth Town (coffee stop), Devonport, past the turn off to Penguin!?, Rocky Cape, Stanley (for dinner) then Smithton.
It took about 6 hours, so all the time you were sitting in class learning heaps I was driving. Kris showed photos to us of the only other two places in the world the Shy Albatross lives and breeds, Pedra Branca and the Mewstone. Find photos of them and locate them on a map. Wow, they look amazing.
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