Can we count every single eagle across Tasmania?
It's really quite easy to count nesting seabirds, or seals on the beach with their young, because they're easy to see while they're with their young they don't move much . It's not quite so easy to count herds of elephants or packs of wolves from the air, because they move around, but again they're in open areas, not hidden by trees, and we can look at them without disturbing them too much. But eagles don't like people looking at their nests, and it's quite hard to see which nests have eagles in them each year. At the right time of year, trained experts can do it without disturbing them, but it's difficult work and would take a lot of time to check nests all over Tasmania. Also, eagles when off the nest move around a lot. And, both they and their nests are quite hard to see!
So is there another way? Perhaps we can't count every single one. But let's think about how, if we all got together to help, we could at least get a rough idea... how could we get the best possible idea?